Don’t trust cheap linen, it’s really annoying on the skin!
The selection of Adriafil fibers guarantees that you will not have these surprises. Find out why!
What are the characteristics of linen that you need to look for to recognize a quality linen yarn?
We are here to give you advice and guide you in choosing the best linen in the world (and because we are talking about Adriafil linen)
Are you looking for information on how to obtain the flax fiber that makes up some of the finest and most natural Adriafil yarns? You are in the right place!
Linen is the oldest vegetable textile fiber in the world. But why is linen so precious?
The flax harvest is done in July, with the same care reserved for precious things.
The harvested seedlings are cleaned of impurities, divided into several bundles and left to rest until completely ripe.
To obtain Adriafil quality flax fibre, the plants must be harvested before the plant is fully ripe. Want to know why? Because we want to guarantee our customers only the finest linen fibers.
You will certainly wonder why flax costs so much: if the harvest is carried out after complete maturation, the seeds and flax oil will be of higher quality, but the fiber will have deteriorated, it will be of poor quality and, consequently, less expensive.
Don’t trust cheap linen, it’s really annoying on the skin.
The harvested and dried stems go through accurate processing phases which serve to separate the woody part from the fiber, thus obtaining the raw linen yarn.
The flax is then carded with special nailed combs of different fineness. With combing, the fine and long fibers are separated from the short and irregular ones.
Long fibers are intended for spinning and weaving fine fabrics. Adriafil chooses exclusively these fibers for the Totalino yarn, the pure linen yarn, 100% natural.
Did you know that? Linen fiber is eco! Because after harvesting it leaves the soil in which it grew in excellent conditions of softness and drainage.
Linen fiber has significant advantages: the quality of Adriafil linen is able to absorb humidity and also has a good level of thermoregulation. What are the defects of linen? None, if you know how to distinguish quality linen from poor quality linen!
We use a loosely woven linen to make it even more breathable, fresh and light. This is why the Adriafil linen quality represents the best linen for knitting that you could wish for!